Statement of Faith

We promise to honor God in our bodies, so they may be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Him.


What We Believe


We believe God is the Creator of the universe and the Creator of all things thereof. We believe He is our Father in Heaven and that Jesus Christ, the Son of the the one and only true, living God, is our Resurrected Savior and Lord. We believe in the Holy Spirit who resides in us, comforts us, and leads us to all righteousness.

We believe that Jesus Christ was sent by God to die on the cross for our sins so any belier can live with Him for eternity. We believe that through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, salvation is provided to those of us who believe and that it is only through Jesus Christ and one’s faith and belief in Him that one can enter the gates of Heaven. We belive the Holy Scripturs are inspired by the Holy Spirit and they teach us how to live, worship, work, be healthy, and serve. We believe the Scriptures teach restoration of health through consumption of God’s food and provision, through prayer, proper nutrition, fasting, the laying on of hands, etc. We believe God loves you and God cherishes you more than any of us have the capacity to understand. We believe God wants you to know and understand that you have nothing to fear even when it appears all hope is lost and it is only when yo fully feel God’s love and compassion that you can understand the peace God freely provides you. We believe God loves you so deeply until even if you do not believe, God still loves you.

Biblical Truth


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV


Our Relationship With God


We believe all people have sinned and therefore come short of the Glory of God. We believe we are created in the image of God, we are created by God, and God created many first and then created woman. We believe God breathed life into man (oxygen) and He drew man up from the dust of the earth (minerals).

We believe that in order to maintain optimum health, man must choose to consume God’s foods and liquids rather than man-made “food” and food by-products. We believe health is not dependent solely on a physical manifestation of self, but encompasses the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. We believe when we are healthy in all four of these areas, we can better identify God’s purpose for us and we are better equipped to carry out God’s plan for us on Earth.

We believe God is omnipotent and knows every direction available for every decision we make and we believe God, by giving us freewill, will not force us to make one decision over another. We believe God allows us to make decisions for our lives, and for a short while, the lives of our children and grandchildren. We believe our decisions are to be guided through diligent prayer, fasting and reading of scripture. We believe we are individually responsible for our decisions and that God has entrusted us, His Children, to follow the example set by Jesus Christ.

We believe Jesus Christ and His disciples treated their bodies as temples as described in the Holy Scripture and that we are to also treat our body as the Temple of God, feeding it, exercising it, resting it and when necessary, healing it, according to Biblical instruction. We believe each of us is completely and totally responsible for our individual health. We believe when any disease enters the body it is because we have been irresponsible in the care of our temple whether it was our intention or our lifestyle choices. We believe physical health is a direct reflection of scripture in that man reaps what he sows. We believe how we nourish our bodies over the years will result in health and longevity or degenerative disease and early death. We believe God has before, and still does, divinely intervene so we can return to health if this is in accordance to His majesty and His purpose.


What We Believe About Health


We believe God has provided His children with everything they require to maintain or regain health. We believe God loves us and wants us to know and enjoy good health all the days of our life. We believe, should the body become ill, that we are the rightful heirs to health and wellness that God, through His infinite mercy and knowledge beyond our comprehension, made for us all the things we need to regain our health.

We believe optimal health is built upon six essential elements created by God and enjoyed by us, including fresh air, fresh water, appropriate and natural nutritional intake, effective exercise, constant prayer and adequate rest. We believe God provided us with health promoting foods, including meat, vegetables and grains. We believe the only liquid created by God is pure water and God created beans, leaves, and fruits that can be enjoyed with His water. We believe man, through the evil craftiness of Satan, originally fertilized and sprayed pesticides in an effort to grow more crops so more people could be fed and not go hungry. We believe Satan, in his evil cleverness, now has man convinced that food must be grown with poisonous chemicals so the masses can be fed. We believe the reality is the poisonous chemicals infiltrate our foods and as we consume these foods over the years, our bodies become ill and degenerative disease is created. We believe that, at times, invasive medical care is sometimes necessary such as mending broken bones or reattaching dis-attached limbs that can be saved. We believe most medical intervention, other than extreme circumstances, is contradictory of long-term health and healing only comes from the body’s own healing mechanisms as God created them in the beginning of time. We believe in that Third Covenant helps people understand and better utilize the promises of God. We believe we are created in the Image of God and God is always healthy. We believe God wants us to always be healthy, happy, energetic and full of love and mercy. We believe God wants all of mankind to know Him as He knows each of us. We believe good health is necessary to teach others about God and His love.

Biblical Truth


You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.Exodus 23:25 ESV


What We Believe About Satan


We believe Satan, once God’s favored angel, allowed vanity and ego to darken his soul with the ineveitable consequence of being cast from Heaven. We believe that today, Satan is fulfilling prophecy and he, along with his demons and followers, seek to remove God from the consciousness of man. We believe Satan’s only desire is to entrap us and remove us from God and we believe he is more successful today than ever before in history (as foretold and prophesied in the Holy Scripture).

We believe Satan can appear as kind and loving and makes himself reflective of God and we believe this is the main entrance he uses to unknowingly enter into the lives of those who are unaware of his evil, his hatred and his cunning. We believe Satan wants only to destroy and harm and does so at every available opportunity.

We believe that negative experiences occur not because God allows them but because Satan has intervened on a decision made by man and that man is too unhealthy (physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally) to recognize the work of Satan and therefore blames God. 

We believe Revelation is being fulfilled and the devil will be cast into a fiery, eternal pit. We believe God is often blamed for the free will of man and the decisions that lead him to Satan. We believe it is the responsibility of man to know God and His word so man can rebuff Satan. We believe God has given us domain over Satan and his demons. We believe Satan has no power over those who faithfully and sincerely believe that God is always triumphant, that God is the one, true, living God and that God is all powerful, all knowing and all loving.

In Christ,

Zach & Cathy



  • Biblical truths that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He condescended to this Earth which was and is full of sin and ill repute to sacrifice Himself and be resurrected on the third day. These acts of pure love fullfilled every Old Testament prophecy about the coming Messiah and provides the only way for you to have eternal life with Him. The alternative is an eternity without the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  • Scriptural understanding that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all ONE God with separate functions of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit has been sent to us by God the Father to be our comfortor and our guide. Everything created by God including the foods we eat, the liquids we drink, the dirt under our feet, and the air we breathe has been corrupted and poisoned by Satan with the veil of goodness and care. Our job is to rebuke Satan and utilize God's provisions (just as He promised), the best we can, so that our body will return to vigor, the mind to calm, and our spirit to peace. These things are necessary so we can recognize and hear the Holy Spirit as He comforts and guides us toward God's path for our lives.

Contact Us

SmithWorks Inc.
c/o Third Covenant
9116 Dorothy Lane
St Francisville LA 70775

(225) 784 - 2168 Phone

Office Hours

Our office is open
Monday through Thursday from
9:00am until 5:00pm CST.

Biblical Standard of Care

Third Covenant

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